The Lawless Years

The Lawless Years (1959-1961)

The Payoff

The Lawless Years is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from April 16, 1959, to September 22, 1961. The series is the first of its kind, set during the Roaring 20s, having antedated ABC’s far more successful The Untouchables by six months.

DirectorAllen H. Miner

WritersJo Eisinger (story), Barney Ruditsky (based on the memoirs of)

James Gregory as Barney Ruditsky
Robert Karnes as Max Fields
John Dennis as Dutch Schultz
Norman Alden as Lulu
Brad Trumbull as Brody
John Vivyan as Louis Buchalter
Stanley Adams as Gurrah
Carol Eve Rossen as Anna
Paul Richards as Louis ‘Louy’ Kassoff
Robert Ellenstein as Legs Diamond
Henry Corden as Wavey Gordon
Robert Sampson as Mad Dog Coll

Watch “The Payoff” – S1E8

Girlfriend is murdered when she dumps bootlegger.

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