The Scarlet Hour (1956)
The Scarlet Hour is a 1956 American film noir crime film directed and produced by Michael Curtiz, previously director of such noted films as Casablanca, Yankee Doodle Dandy and White Christmas.
The film stars Carol Ohmart, Tom Tryon and Jody Lawrance. The screenplay was based on the story “The Kiss Off” by Frank Tashlin. The song “Never Let Me Go”, written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans, is performed by Nat King Cole.
Director – Michael Curtiz
Writers – Alford Van Ronkel (screenplay), Frank Tashlin (screenplay), John Meredyth Lucas (screenplay)
Cast –
Carol Ohmart as Pauline ‘Paulie’ Nevins
Tom Tryon as E.V. ‘Marsh’ Marshal
Jody Lawrence as Kathy Stevens
James Gregory as Ralph Nevins
Elaine Stritch as Phyllis Rycker
E. G. Marshall as Lt. Jennings
Edward Binns as Sgt. Allen
David Lewis as Dr. Sam Lynbury
Billy Gray as Tom Rycker
Jacques Aubuchon as Fat Boy
Scott Marlowe as Vince
Johnstone White as Tom Raymond
James Stone as Dean Franklin (as James F. Stone)
Maureen Hurley as Mrs. Lynbury
James Todd as Inspector Paley
Nat ‘King’ Cole as Nightclub Vocalist (singing ‘Never Let Me Go’)
Benson Fong as Benson, bartender
Watch “The Scarlet Hour” (1956)
E. V. Marshall, known to all as “Marsh,” works for wealthy real-estate businessman Ralph Nevins and is having a romantic affair with Ralph’s unhappy wife, Paulie. He asks her to get a divorce, but Paulie grew up impoverished and refuses to do without her husband’s money.
One night they overhear thieves planning a jewelry robbery of the home of a doctor named Lynbury. They do not go to the police, concerned that Ralph might learn they were together. When she returns home later, however, Paulie is physically assaulted by her angry husband.
Suspicious of her behavior, Ralph tells his secretary Kathy Stevens that he’s planning to take his wife on a vacation and permit Marsh to run the company in his absence. Ralph then follows Paulie when she sees Marsh. Now willing to do anything to get away from her husband, Paulie pleads with Marsh to rob the jewels from the thieves as they leave Dr. Lynbury’s house.
At the scene of the crime, where Marsh successfully steals the gems from the thieves who have robbed Dr. Lynbury’s home, Ralph catches Marsh and Paulie in the act and Paulie shoots him. Gunfire from the thieves makes Marsh believe they were the ones who shot Ralph.
As the police investigate, Kathy discovers that Ralph has secretly made a recording, explaining his suspicions about his wife. Kathy is in love with Marsh, who decides to go to the police and confess. It turns out, meanwhile, that Dr. Lynbury has masterminded the burglary of his own home, looking to collect insurance money after having replaced his wife’s jewels with worthless fakes. Police eventually place Lynbury under arrest and Paulie as well, with Marsh’s cooperation.